How do I update participant data?

Periodically it is necessary to correct participant data.  It is especially important that the participants email address and carpool number are present and correct. Participant data exists on a per SignUp basis, so it must be corrected on a SignUp by SignUp basis. This article details the steps necessary to update that data.

1. Log into using the organizer's credentials.

2. Locate the SignUp where the participant data needs to be updated.

Participant data is on a per SignUp basis.  The name of the SignUp is represented as the "Activity name" on the Campus Plan All Fields export.

3. Select Manage>Participants from the dropdown.

4. Locate the volunteer in the participant list

5. Click on the volunteer's name to bring up the participant details

6. Add/Correct the data

Email address and carpool number are the most important pieces of information since reporting is based on these fields. Data only need be correct once per SignUp even if the volunteer is signed up for multiple spots (as shown above)

7. Click "Save" to update the record


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