How do I add spots to my SignUp?

When you log into your "" account you will find that two SignUps have been created for you.  Each of these are affiliated to the appropriate page on the PTC website to increase its visibility across our school community. These SignUps have all the information fields (student’s name and carpool number) to ensure that volunteer hours can be reported accurately.  All you have to do to begin recruiting volunteers or requesting donations is to add additional spots to the existing SignUps. This article details the steps necessary to add a spot to your SignUps.

1. Log into your "" account on

2. Determine which SignUp you should add a spot to.

  1. If you have a need for volunteers or materials on a specific day and time, you would use the Room ### Opportunities SignUp.
  2. If you have ongoing needs (paper, cleaning supplies, etc.) or needs that would enhance your classroom experience (enrichment materials, electric pencil sharpeners, etc.) but aren't necessarily time-sensitve, you would use the Room ###  Wishlist.

3. Click on "Manage>Spots/Status"

4. Click "Create New Spot"

Do NOT delete the "Last Day of School" spot shown below.  They are necessary to keep the SignUp live on the PTC website and available for CheckIn.

5. Fill out the spot details

  1. Determine how many volunteers/in-kind donation items are needed.
  2. For volunteers choose "do or attend" for in-kind donations choose "bring"
  3. Give the spot a description.  For in-kind donations, be as specific as possible on size. Ex. Hand Sanitizer, 8oz bottle
  4. Indicate the timeframe of the volunteer activity or the time equivalent value of the in-kind (1 hour per $20/3 minutes per $1).  See the article How much volunteer time do I give for in-kind donations? for more information on this.

In order for volunteer hours to be calculated correcting, please always use "from" and assign a specific begin and end time.  The use of "At" or "at anytime" will result in no volunteer hours being granted.

6. For "Opportunities" fill out the date when the volunteer/in-kind donation is needed. you can easily set up a repeating schedule for recurring volunteer needs.

This step does not exist for the "Wishlist" SignUp since it is intended for non-date specific items.  Skip to step 7 when adding to the Wishlist signup.

7. Provide any extra details necessary.

Extra details can include a job description, instructions, links to the specific in-kind donation details, etc.

8. Click "Save" to complete your spot.


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