CCA Volunteering FAQs

What is the minimum number of hours our family is required to complete?

Families with one student enrolled are required to complete a minimum of 20 hours.  Families with 2 or more students enrolled are required to complete 30 hours.

Who can complete volunteer hours on my behalf?

Any individual 18 years or older who does not have a student enrolled in CCA can complete volunteer hours on your behalf.  When you have someone complete hours on your behalf, s/he should SignUp for a volunteer spot using your student's name and carpool number in order for you to get credit for the hours they complete on your behalf.

Can I borrow some hours from a friend who has completed their requirement?

No.  We rely on each family to complete their own volunteer requirement.  We genuinely appreciate and rely upon those volunteers that go over their requirement, but those hours in excess of the requirement cannot be donated to others.

Can I make a monetary donation instead of completing my volunteer hours?

Yes.  Both the Staff Appreciation and Admin & Operations Wish Lists have gift cards listed.  For each hour that you wish to buy out, please purchase $20 in gift cards.

Do my student's NJHS service hours count towards our family's requirement?


Do I need to register as a volunteer before completing my volunteer hours?

No!  Just SignUp before you show up and then CheckIn when you get in.  Once you arrive to school there is a tablet to CheckIn to your volunteer spot in the CCA lobby.  In addition, the front desk will scan your identification to issue a security badge.

How do I find volunteer opportunities?

Volunteer opportunities can be found on the PTC website. Additionally, opportunities can be found in the weekly newsletter, by attending the monthly PTC Meetings and directly from your classroom teacher.  Once you identify a volunteer opportunity that interests you, please SignUp via before arriving to campus to expedite your CheckIn process.

We encourage you to be proactive in finding volunteer opportunities by reaching out to your classroom teacher or the PTC with your ideas. We are always looking for ways to improve our school community and great leaders for projects!

Why are you asking for my carpool number?

Carpool numbers are used to summarize a family's volunteer hours.  A carpool number is assigned to each family at CCA regardless of how a child is actually picked up from school.  Even those who ride a daycare/YMCA bus or stay for CCA Aftercare are assigned a number.  

If you notice that a SignUp does NOT ask for your carpool number, please notify [email protected] so that we can correct the SignUp.

Don't know your carpool number?

I don't know my carpool number.  How can I find out?

Carpool tags are distributed at Meet the Teacher each year.  If you didn't pick up yours up please contact Nomy Grant or the Community Involvement Team

I signed up, what now?

Thank you!  Once you've signed up there is nothing left to do until the day you volunteer.  When that day arrives, please arrive at least 10 minutes ahead of your volunteer time in order to have plenty of time to park,  CheckIn on the tablet in the lobby and get your security badge from the front desk.

Life happened and I can't make volunteer spot, how do I cancel my spot?

Please log into the SignUp and cancel your spot.  To see specifics on how to do this see this article.

In addition, please be courteous and contact the person that is expecting you*.  In addition, please try to fill your spot by posting on the Cardinal Charter Academy Families Facebook page for general school opportunities or your "Class of" or specific classroom page if the opportunities are grade/class specific.

*No email necessary for carpool or cafeteria duty!

Where do I park when volunteering?

You are welcome to park in the parking spaces in front of school.  

If your volunteer time coincides with morning carpool please proceed through the carpool loop as usual, park in the spots on the left (facing St. Charles place) and proceed into school using one of the crosswalks.  

If your volunteer time is toward the end of the school day, be cognizant that you may get blocked in by carpool traffic if you stay past 3pm.  If that's the case, you can park on St. Charles Place.  Please park with traffic flow.

Please do NOT park in the surrounding office parking lots.

How do I CheckIn for my volunteer spot?

Once you arrive to CCA for your spot, please CheckIn using your personal mobile device via

I didn't SignUp before arriving to school.  How do I get credit for my volunteer hours?

When you arrive to school, please CheckIn and add your name to the SignUp spot manually using the "add a participant button" available on each spot.

How are volunteer hours recorded?

Volunteers are responsible for ensuring the accuracy of your volunteer hour record.  All hours and in-kind donations must be logged via a SignUp where the organizer is a CCA administrator. When you SignUp for a spot via your hours are automatically recorded.  When you arrive to school to volunteer you must also CheckIn to verify your attendance at your spot, otherwise your assignment will be deleted.  

If a SignUp does not exist for the activity you are completing, please contact the person who requested your assistance to have him/her record those hours.

When dropping off in-kind donations, be sure to fill out a "CCA Donation Drop-off Info Form" to ensure your hours are properly credited and delivered to the intended recipient.


If you are asked to sign up for a volunteer activity at CCA via SignUpGenius or any other method besides, please notify he Community Involvement Team so we can ensure the person making the request is aware of volunteer reporting requirements.

What if I didn't SignUp before I showed up?

If you did not SignUp before you arrived, you can add yourself to the spot you are volunteering for as you CheckIn. If a SignUp does not exist for the activity you are completing, please contact the person who requested your assistance to have him/her record those hours.

What about at home hours?

All volunteer hours must be logged via a SignUp where the organizer is a CCA administrator.  If you are asked to assist in projects in a method that does not include a SignUp (personal request, classroom newsletter, Facebook post, etc.) please ensure that the person making the request records your hours into  If they need training or assistance with this they are welcome to contact the Community Involvement Team

I am a room parent.  How do I record my hours?

As a room parent, you are able to record your own hours in your classroom's account.  You can also report your hours to the Room Parent Coordinator.

Can I record my own volunteer hours?

No.  Despite the fact that the mobile version of the website has the ability to "add hours" these will not be counted towards your volunteer requirement.  The Community Involvement team does not have visibility into these hours.  Your hours must be logged via a SignUp where the organizer is a CCA administrator.

I have an FPass with several other families.  How will you identify my volunteer hours?

When FPass families enter their carpool numbers on the various SignUps they should follow a format of "F## LastName" to allow for the reports to distinguish between the various families in the FPass group"

How can I determine how many volunteer hours I've completed to date?

Each volunteer is able to check their own volunteer hours via their profile.  Ideally, each person will use a single email address when signing up for volunteer spots.  This will allow the volunteer a comprehensive view into their personal hours.

If more than one person volunteers within a family, the hours can be summed across the various profiled.

Reports of cumulative hours will also be emailed from the Community Involvement Team after the end of each quarter.

I used more than one email address to SignUp.  How do I correct this?

See How do I update my personal information on a SignUp? for step by step instructions on correcting your data on a SignUp.

I'm missing volunteer hours on my on my profile.  How do I get credit for them?

Before reaching out to anyone:

  • Ensure that all of your volunteer hours are logged under the same email address.  If you find that you have recorded hours under more than one email, please see the article How do I update my personal information on a SignUp? to correct your email address on the SignUps with the incorrect information.
  • Did you SignUp?  In nearly every situation there should be a SignUp before you show up to volunteer.  You must SignUp and CheckIn when you arrive to the event for your hours to be recorded.

If that doesn't resolve the issue, reach out to the person responsible for requesting your assistance to have them log your hours.

NOTE: [email protected] is the "organizer" on most of the SignUps but is NOT your primary contact to resolve your missing hours.  Please reach out to your room/class parent for anything classroom related.

Can my children who don't attend CCA come with me when I volunteer?

In most cases, no.  Children who do not attend CCA should not be in the school building while school is in session.  There are certain activities that occur outside of regular school hours where children are permitted.  However, the children should remain under the direct supervision of the volunteer and should not distract from the volunteer's task at hand.

Can I get volunteer hours for items I donate to the school or my classroom?

Volunteer hours are granted for items purchased in support of the school.  The hours granted are calculated based on the monetary value of the item donated:  $20 per hour ($1 = 3 minutes).

When dropping off in-kind donations, be sure to fill out a "CCA Donation Drop-off Info Form" to ensure your hours are properly credited and delivered to the intended recipient.


If you are asked to donate items NOT associated with a wishlist or other CCA SignUp ( wishlist, SignUp Genius, etc.) please reach out to the person with the request to ensure that there is a corresponding SignUp

Do my donations to the CCA Fun Run count towards my volunteer requirement?

No.  Donations to the CCA Fun Run are tax deductible donations and therefore do not count towards your volunteer hour requirement.

Do Parent-Teacher conferences count towards my volunteer hours?


I have a full-time job and cannot be at school during school hours, how can I fulfill my volunteer requirement?

We are empathetic to the challenges faced by full-time working parents in fulfilling their volunteer hours when your work schedule doesn't allow.  Here are some ideas for ways to get volunteer hours outside of the regular school day:

  • Morning carpool volunteering begins at 7:15 and you are done shortly after 8, but 60 minutes of volunteer time is offered.
  • Several other volunteer opportunities can also be done before school begins.  Check out the volunteer opportunities calendar for details.
  • There are several evening events over the course of the year such as Harvest Festival, movie nights, Sock Hop, and Middle school socials. Add your name to the "evening hours" interest on this SignUp and we can give you heads up once those SignUps go live.
  • Many of the outside of school opportunities are found via PTC committees. Indicate your skills and interests on this SignUp and the PTC chairs will reach out to you when they have a need.
  • PTC meetings are held each month at 7pm and 1 hour of volunteer time is granted for just attending. See the PTC Calendar for dates. Specific needs are announced at each meeting.
  • The Uniform Recycle Sale is held each month ahead of the PTC meeting and those offer hours from 6-7pm each month.
  • If your job allows for PTO on specific days you can complete a large chunk of hours by volunteering for a field trip.
  • On any given day, if PTO is an option, there are volunteer opportunities from 7:15am to 4pm any day of the school year giving you 30-40% of your hours in a single day.
  • Reach out to your teacher for ideas.  There may be projects you can complete for them at home.  Cutting, laminating, booklet assembly are common items that they may be able to send home with your student.
  • Wishlist and project supply donations count towards volunteer hours with a ratio of $20 per hour. See Can I get volunteer hours for items I donate to the school or my classroom?
  • Participating in Spirit Nights earns hours!  Be sure to SignUp and meet the critieria for participation.


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